Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long Overdue Post

How ya goin friends and family? I have been very bad to you... I haven't posted in weeks. My sincerest apologies. To get back into the swing of things, I have devised another list of small thoughts and talking points about my life in Oz. So as the Aussies say, let's "Get amongst it!" 

1. It has rained like crazy here. This was one of my excuses for not posting. Rain has derailed skydiving, trips to the beach, zoo surfing, and other fun activities with record downpours. Everything has been flooded. I feel like I should be gathering two of every animal. Luckily, the rain is finally letting up this week. Otherwise, my semester in Seattle is going swimmingly. (Do you see what I did there?) 
2. Speaking of surfing, I have purchased a surfboard! It's 6'8'' and beautiful. (still working on a name) My room constantly smells like surf wax and I love it. My mates and I usually wake up early Thursday mornings to go surfing before class. 
3. Taking a 6'8'' surfboard on a public bus gets awkward. 
4. Since my last post, I have taken a boat trip around Surfer's Paradise, a day trip to Byron Bay to go skydiving (too rainy so rescheduled for November) and visited a wildlife sanctuary, where...
5. I got to pet kangaroos! By far the coolest morning of my semester so far. We walked around a field of countless roos feeding them, petting them, and generally just hanging out with one of the coolest animals on the planet. It was an unreal experience I won't soon forget. 
6. I am going to Sydney for Halloween. If you frequent the ol blog then you recall me telling you this. What I did not tell you is where we will be staying and what we will be doing. My mate Jon has a friend from the Bond golf team that knows a bloke with a yacht that he keeps in Sydney harbor. We have been invited to accompany him around the harbor on the yacht to have a barbecue, see the sights, and generally have a great time all free of charge. I'm unbelievably stoked. 
7. I believe (I hope) I have one more big trip that the wallet can handle. This will most likely be to Cairns (pronounced Cans) This is where the Great Barrier Reef is located. A lot of people are hard at work researching cheap scuba or snorkeling and accommodations around the area. I'm cranking out papers weeks early to open up my schedule for this opportunity. 
8. Speaking of school, classes are going well. I like all of my professors and the Aussie system is pretty favorable as a whole. 
9. I got stung by a Blue Bottle Jellyfish while surfing in Byron Bay. I rubbed some sand on it and kept chargin waves braaaah.
10. I played intramural netball last week (in exchange for free pizza) After participation I still could not tell you how to play. It is like basketball with no backboard and Ultimate Frisbee rules...  
11. The Australian supermarkets will deliver food to you for free. You just choose what you want online and it is sent to you that day. Step your game up America. 
12. Other small trips on my to do list include a rainforest visit, a return to Byron Bay (preferably with the sun showing itself this time), and a rock climbing trip to the mountains in Brisbane. 
13. I am playing on an intramural sand volleyball team and we are doing really well so far. This week we beat a team with players from both Bond and Australia's National team on their roster. Unreal ya? It's been a lot of fun. 

I think I will stop on lucky number 13 and get back to my homework. I promise I will be better about posting on this blog. Maybe short and sweet posts? I think that will be good for both of us. If you are reading this I'm sure I love and miss you. Cheers! - Jeff 

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